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Titre du projetAnnéePays de l'ONGType de projetType de subventionNom de l'ONG
‘’Volunteering - a Form of Social and Civic Awareness – conducting a training seminar and volunteering activities’’ 2013BulgarieSensibilisationActivité piloteRhodopaea - Balkanica Association
Advocacy Academy 2021République de TürkiyeDéveloppement de compétencesActivité piloteCivil Society Research Association
Back to active life! 2021UkraineProjet participatifActivité piloteYoung Men's Christian Association of Ukraine
CHAriSMA: Combating HAte Speech Multipliers and Ambassadors 2017GrèceDéveloppement de compétencesActivité piloteYouthnet Hellas
Digital youth workers supporting communities 2021SlovénieDéveloppement de compétencesActivité piloteMladinski svet Slovenije - National Youth Council of Slovenia
Enhancing Youth Participation During the Crisis - A Joint Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Challenges in Kvemo Kartli 2021GéorgieProjet participatifActivité piloteThe Youth Centre for Civil Development
Europe on Track: Gender equality and the Istanbul Convention 2022BelgiqueDéveloppement de compétencesActivité internationaleAssociation des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l Europe
Gender and Equality: an introduction toward the action 2014Pays-BasSensibilisationActivité internationaleWorld Organisation of Young Esperantists TEJO
Good health: the right of all young people 2023SlovéniePlan de travailInternational Youth Health Organization
Human rights education and youth participation for youth of Radekhiv district 2020UkraineSensibilisationActivité pilotePublic organization Radekhiv Center "Youth Initiative"
Medical students for health and rights of refugees and migrants 2017Pays-BasPlan de travailInternational Federation of Medical Students' Associations
proMOTION: advocacy strategy to bring forward NFE and Youth Work in Europe 2021DanemarkDéveloppement de compétencesActivité internationaleAlliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations
Youth Takes the Floor: A training course on how to increase youth participation in decision-making 2022PortugalDéveloppement de compétencesActivité internationaleDYPALL Network - Developing Youth Participation at Local Level Network
Youth work in preventing youth extremism 2017BelgiquePlan de travailEuropean Confederation of Youth Clubs
!Let US be US! 2019EspagneSensibilisationActivité piloteAsociación Jóvenes Solidarios
"Advancing Higher Education in Belarus: Creating Multipliers for democratic and sustainable Reforms” 2013BélarusSensibilisationActivité piloteRepublican youth organization Civil Forum
"Art for Change" SPECIAL CALL UKRAINE 2014UkraineSensibilisationActivité piloteChernivtsi cell of allukranian organization PORA
"Building up institutional capacities in implementing anti-discrimination Law - training of journalists and NGOs" 2013SerbieSensibilisationActivité piloteCenter for Population Policies and Sustainable development - CPPSD
"Camp-Up" 2021ChypreDéveloppement de compétencesActivité piloteYouth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus -Neolea gia Antallagi kai Katanoisi-
"Empowering YOUth to Lead!" 2022BulgarieSensibilisationActivité piloteYouth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley