European Youth Foundation
Young people building Europe
Council of Europe
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Human Rights
Human Rights
Protection of Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights
Execution of judgements of the European Court of Human Rights
Effectiveness of the Human Rights Convention (ECHR) system at national and European level
Developing human rights law and policy
HELP - European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals
ECHR training for legal professionals
Torture – European Committee for the Prevention of Torture CPT
Human Rights Trust Fund
Promoting Human Rights
Commissioner for Human Rights
Gender equality
Violence against women and domestic violence
Trafficking in Human Beings - GRETA
Integration of people with disabilities
Racism and intolerance – ECRI
Roma rights
Migrants' rights
National minorities
Regional and minority languages
Children's rights – Building a Europe for and with children
Children's rights – Child abuse
Children's rights – Child-friendly justice
Combating discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity - LGBT
Ensuring Social Rights
European Social Charter
European Code of Social Security
Public health
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines – EDQM Pharmacopoeia
Democratic governance
Parliamentary Assembly PACE
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Participation of civil society
Good governance
Education policy
Cultural policy
Youth policy
World Forum for Democracy
Sustainable Democratic Societies
Social cohesion strategy
Social cohesion - Council of Europe Development Bank CEB
Natural catastrophes - Major Natural and Technological Disasters EUR-OPA
Bern Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats
Cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue
Cultural diversity - Cultural routes
Cultural diversity - European Audiovisual Observatory
Cultural diversity - European Cinema Support Fund Eurimages
Intercultural dialogue - North South Centre
Education for democratic citizenship
Intercultural education - European Centre for Modern Languages ECML
Intercultural education and training - European Youth Centre Strasbourg EYCS
Intercultural education and training - European Youth Centre Budapest EYCB
Support to youth activities - European Youth Foundation EYF
Youth Mobility through the Youth Card
Sport and Ethics
Sport - Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport EPAS
No Hate Speech Movement
Rule of Law
Rule of Law
Justice and Legal co-operation
Efficiency of justice - Commission for the Efficiency of Justice CEPEJ
Efficiency of justice - Consultative Council of European Judges CCJE
Efficiency of justice - Consultative Councilf of European Prosecutors CCPE
Common standards and policies
European Commission for Democracy through Law - Venice Commission
Crime problems - European Committee on Crime Problems CDPC
Prisons and Community Sanctions and Measures
Data protection
Transnational Criminal Justice
Legal cooperation - European Committee on Legal Cooperation CDCJ
Public International Law - Committee of Legal Advisers CAHDI
Freedom of Expression and Media
Internet governance
Biological safety and use of animals
Threats to the Rule of Law
Corruption - GRECO
Money laundering - MONEYVAL
Counterfeiting of medical products – MEDICRIME Convention
Drug abuse and illicit trafficking – Pompidou Group
Committee of Ministers
Secretary General
Deputy Secretary General
Parliamentary Assembly
European Court of Human Rights
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Commissioner for Human Rights
Conference of INGOs
Secretariat General
Organisation and Mandates of the Secretariat
Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law
Directorate General Democracy
Directorate of External Relations
Directorate of Policy Planning
Directorate of Legal Advice and Public International Law
Treaty Office
Partial Agreements
European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)
Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
EDQM/European Pharmacopoeia
Pompidou Group
Council of Europe Development Bank (Paris)
Council of Europe Development Bank(restricted website)
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS)
EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement
European Audiovisual Observatory
North-South Centre (Lisbon)
European Centre for Modern Languages (Graz)
External Offices
List of external offices
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46 Countries
46 Countries
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
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''The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia''
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The Council of Europe and the European Union: different roles, shared values
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NGO Type:
International youth organisation
International network of youth organisations
Regional network of youth organisations
National youth organisation
Local youth organisation
European Youth Forum
Country :
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Holy See
Republic of Moldova
North Macedonia
Russian Federation
San Marino
Slovak Republic
Republic of Türkiye
United Kingdom
NGO Type:
NGO Name
Description (Aims)
Local youth organisation
The vision is to ser...
The vision is to serve our community by providing a formal way of socially responsible and useful activities for young people that live in our city and country. Our mission is to connect and non formally educate young people (especially academically educated) to make them more valuable members of the civil society and more prosperous and skilled EU citizens. We want to reach young people between 17-30 years of age but also responsible adults who make decisions concerning Youth. We have been managing and doing a project for 4 years till now “Actively Young” (Aktivno mladi)in cooperation with a public body “ The office for civic activities of Slavonski Brod (our city) in which we have been educating young people on writing projects, non formal education, civil rights and humanitarian work. We have also been a project partner with “Croatian Youth Network” in a project called “Implementing civil education in Croatian schools” in cooperation with the Ministry of education and The Office for NGO’s. We were involved in a campaign called “I know, I think I participate” for creating interest and informing young people on the need of civil activity in Croatia’s society.
Local youth organisation
Board of European Students of technology Local Group Riga
Vision of BEST-Riga ...
Vision of BEST-Riga is Empowered diversity. We tend to inspire students and society to understand and respect different cultures and societies. The environment of empowered diversity supports youth in applying their full potential and acting responsibly. The actions, that BEST-Riga undertakes to fulfil the vision, have lead us to our mission, which is developing students. BEST helps students to achieve an international mindset, to reach a better understanding of cultures and societies and to develop the capacity to work in culturally diverse environment. We create opportunities for personal development of students and support them in reaching their full potential. BEST-Riga members are students of Riga Technical university (age between 18 and 26) who develop while organising projects, participating in trainings and working in the organisational structure of our non-profit NGO. Our core activity during 22 years of BEST-Riga experience is to providing complementary education to technical students from all over Europe, helping them to develop their social skills, discover different cultures and diverse their professional knowledge. We are also providing career support connecting students with their future employers and increasing educational involvement by rising the awereness of students on issues related to engineering education. BEST-Riga has five core values that we respect: Flexibility, Improvement, Learning, Friendship and Fun that are implemented through various activities in events that we organise for external students and our own members. The quality of our projects is recognised by Riga Technical university, companies and educational institutions. Three of our international projects have gained National Charlamagne Youth prize in 2010, 2012 and 2014, which recognises contributions by young people towards the process of European integration, supported by European Parliament. The most recent and biggest - EBEC Final (European BEST Engineering Competions) Final was organised in 2014 in Riga, Latvia between 1st and 9th August. Engineering competitions gathered 120 best next engineers from all Europe to compete for the title of best engineer in Europe. Participants fulfilled their presentation and team work skills, as well as leadership and creativity skills, while working on tasks, provided by DB Schenker, European Patent office and SKODA. UNESCO Latvian National Commission provided the partronage for EBEC Final, as well as for our advanced academic course “H2O. Think outside the sink” about water consumption and local engineering competion EBEC Riga 2015. In 2013 BEST-Riga organised youth exchange “Roots in Europe, culture in heart!” between 40 students from Turkey, Finland, Malta, The Netherlands and Latvia (age between 19 and 25) supported by Erasmus programme “Youth in Action”. The aim of project was to make participants, as well as society aware of cultural herritage issues, and bring this topic closer to their daily life.
Local youth organisation
Kharkiv Charitable Foundation YMCA
Our organization’s m...
Our organization’s mission To provide youth living in frontline areas with the necessary resources, knowledge and support to create a stable, peaceful and promising future. We work to strengthen psychological resilience, develop leadership skills, educate and socially integrate youth in the face of constant challenges caused by military conflict. Our organization’s vision To create a society where every young person, even in the most difficult circumstances, has the opportunity to realize their potential, live in safety and make positive changes in their region. We strive to become a catalyst for change by providing youth with tools for development, strengthening social ties and forming a generation that chooses peace, cooperation and progress. Main areas of activity 1. Education and skills development: Organization of trainings, courses and workshops on professional orientation, personal growth, media literacy and leadership. Support for educational initiatives in communities. 2. Psychological support: Individual and group sessions with psychologists to overcome trauma caused by the conflict. Development of emotional resilience programs for adolescents. 3. Integration into society: Organization of social, sports and cultural events to unite youth. Supporting volunteer initiatives that contribute to the restoration and development of the community. 4. Humanitarian assistance: Providing youth with the necessary resources for education and daily life. Creating safe spaces for learning, development and recreation. 5. Advocacy and voice of youth: Protecting the rights of youth in frontline zones at the national and international levels. Supporting platforms for expressing youth ideas and problems. These principles and approaches allow the organization to work effectively even in difficult conditions, helping youth not only survive, but also develop and become agents of change in their community.
Local youth organisation
Movement for Cooperation and Development of Youth
Our mission is to ...
Our mission is to create youth platform which will help young people in their various personal goals concerning promotion, protection and development of freedom, justice, democratic values, equality in the fields of life important to youth. This is to be achieved by providing young people throughout the country with support for their community development initiatives. This support is consisted out of (but not limited to) different kind of helpful information, network, finances and advises. Our vision is to create youth NGO which will be crucial part of youth empowerment in developing Serbia. Our primary target group are young people age 13- 24 and secondary are those age 24 - 30. Our past activity is WHY YOUTH? project that is currently being implemented throughout the country. Its main target group is youth age 13 - 20. Project is consisted out of 9 workshops per school, that will be held in 8-10 schools in different parts of Serbia. Workshops address basic skills including: How to write cv, bio, resume, motivational or cover letter; How to do public performance or elevator pitch; Legal frameworks of youth work and youth rights in Serbia, EU, CofE and UN; project proposal writing and projects implementation; cooperation with local authorities. So far we have had around 40 participants. Our goal is to have around 150.
Local youth organisation
Multi-ethnic and Non-government Women's association "LINDA"
NGO "Linda"
North Macedonia
- Linda is non-gover...
- Linda is non-governmental organization that aims to enhance the women's rights and improve the inter ethnic relations in the country. It is established in 2000 in Kumanovo, Northeastern Statistical Region of FYROM (border region with Serbia and Kosovo). The strategic priorities of the organization are: gender equality, improvement of inter-ethnic relations, integration of different ethnic groups into society, human rights and support of democratic processes in the country. In five years this small organisation tends to be one of the most influential advocating organizations in the country.
Local youth organisation
NGO "Come out and play"
http:// www.comeoutandplay.ngo
Our Mission We aim ...
Our Mission We aim to bring youth joy through sports and social activities. We assist youth in restoring their emotional well-being, finding new friends, and learning how to tackle life's challenges. Our goal is to promote the socialisation, development, and awareness of youth who have experienced occupation, children affected by the conflict, or youth who have lost their parents regarding mine safety, gender equality, and tolerance through football and informal education. Objectives: - Create conditions for socialization and give youth essential skills to develop positive life prospects and find their place in society. - Increase girls' participation in football, ensuring that every girl has equal rights in her community. - Create conditions for community cohesion after occupation, integrate conflict-affected individuals into new communities, and resolve conflicts through dialogue. What do we do? - We offer a unique format of football training where youth not only engage in sports but also acquire valuable knowledge about handling landmines, volunteer work, human rights, and combating discrimination. - We provide psychological support to parents and children in liberated cities. Over the past 14 months, more than 300 children in Bucha and Irpin have participated in our organization's training sessions. Additionally, over 350 parents have received psychological assistance and participated in community-building festivals to integrate IDPs and locals who suffered during the occupation. This initiative was created to do everything possible to help children overcome the psychological traumas they experienced during the horrors of war. Our organization does not conduct ordinary tournaments and training sessions. We aim to achieve social changes, increase youth's civic engagement, and strengthen youth and children's psychological resilience through football. In addition to psychosocial training for youth and children, we conduct educational lectures on ecological activism in Bucha for youth, volunteering, and handling explosive objects. We organize educational trips for youth to local volunteer movements involved in protecting homeless animals, ecology, and developing civil society to spread the culture of volunteering. Our psychosocial sports events also consist of two parts - the sporting one with elements of football and the second educational part, where participants communicate or listen to training on civic participation, volunteering, ecology, and rules for handling explosive objects.
Local youth organisation
Second Tree
Second Tree is a com...
Second Tree is a community-led, volunteer-run, grassroots NGO working with refugees in the Epirus region, Northern Greece. We have a team of 20 people on the ground, including qualified volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) of the European Commission. Our mission is to change the way refugees are perceived by modeling an approach to community engagement that strengthens agency and enables each individual to reach their true potential. We aim to improve the lives of refugees by creating a society where they are seen as unique human beings first and foremost – with their own history, skills, interests and needs – and not just as bearers of a ‘refugee’ identity. Through our projects, we give refugees the opportunity to develop communication skills in a social environment where they can regain their agency and build a new life in Europe. We currently run three main projects targeted to young people – the Youth Wellbeing project, the YouShaped project and the Adult Education project. These projects provide educational and integration activities in the city of Ioannina, and in the camps of Katsikas and Agia Eleni, reaching 3,000 people every week, both refugees and locals. All projects are led by volunteers between the ages of 20–30. Our Youth Wellbeing Project provides 65 children aged 8-16 with a space to develop a sense of belonging and key social, emotional and cognitive skills that facilitate their integration socially and academically. Modelled on the international Scouting movement, our project consists of different modules lasting 8 weeks each. While the topic and content of each module is shaped by the input of a group of rotating volunteers (e.g. Geography, Greek Culture, Mindfulness etc.), the core activities stay the same: weekly English and Greek classes, workshops that reinforce learning outcomes in creative and interactive ways, and excursions that take children out of the camp and help them develop a sense of belonging and familiarity with their new community. Our YouShaped project provides 12 children aged 13-16 with a class that increases student’s self-confidence and public speaking skills by debating and discussing self chosen topics in a group of peers. After completion, the young adults are encouraged to continue their education in our Adult Education classes. Our Adult Education Project is tailored to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and offers students aged 15+ with the opportunity to gain literacy, practical language and communication skills in English and Greek, as well as prepare for official language certification that strengthens their socio-economic integration. Over half of the 81 students that are enrolled in our Adult Education Project are aged 15–30. The combination of these three projects supports young students in their transition into adulthood by developing the knowledge and the social, emotional and cognitive skills they need to become active European citizens.
Local youth organisation
Controvento SCS
Cooperativa Sociale ...
Cooperativa Sociale Controvento Onlus is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 in Catania (Sicily, Italy) by a team of young professionals working in the socio-psychological and educational field committed to investing resources and skills on their own territory, sharing the idea to create services aimed at promoting the social inclusion and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities and protecting the exercise of autonomy. The Cooperative promotes the culture of diversity through the realization of a wide range of activities, such as socio-educational activities for children with psycho-social problems or disabilities; educational paths for autonomy (personal, social and external) addressed to youngsters with Down syndrome, intellectual disability, and autism; projects to promote youngsters with disabilities’ independent living; work integration paths for disabled or disadvantaged people; educational paths for minors; support and advice for families. Controvento works with people with intellectual disabilities of all age groups, from children to adults. Our courses are divided into age groups, degree of autonomy possessed, and type of disability, in order to promote the harmonious growth of the individual taken in charge. The age ranges are: 0-6 years old; 7-10 years old; 11-16 years old; 16-23 years old; 24-40 years old. The main activities of our cooperative are: - Job placement activities: aimed at job orientation for people with intellectual disabilities, research and activation of internships, internships, and the start of job placements. - Training Activities: training courses on educational methodologies in support of intellectual disability, aimed at young professionals in the socio-psycho-educational field. - Academy of autonomy: autonomy education courses for people with disabilities, divided by age groups, which in a manner propaedeutics accompany students from childhood to adulthood in the acquisition of skills that can be used in daily life and work. - Psychological Support Activities: psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at individuals and families.
Local youth organisation
Student Association of School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
We are the Student U...
We are the Student Union of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS), representing over 4,000 students across diverse courses including Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Marine Biology, Bioengineering, and more. Our primary focus is on enriching the educational experience of our students through a variety of extracurricular activities. These include practical workshops, soft skills training, initiatives to enhance economic and political literacy, and more. In addition to supporting our students, we strive to make a significant local impact. Our community outreach efforts include delivering lectures on sexual health in schools, conducting health screenings, and engaging with the elderly population. Through these activities, we aim to foster a well-rounded, socially responsible student body that contributes positively to society.
Local youth organisation
The public organizat...
The public organization Foundation UNITERS (United Volunteers) (hereinafter referred to as the UNITERS) is a voluntary youth public organization with national status. The UNITERS is a public organization whose activities are aimed at protecting the rights and interests of youth. Our organization has 8 years of experience. Initially, it acted as a public initiative, the status of the foundation was granted last year. The mission of the foundation is to unite volunteers to do good deeds. Uniters is a platform for implementing youth initiatives. Therefore, educational, social and charitable events were held to educate and promote the active participation of youth and adolescents in public life; protection of freedoms and human rights and civil liberties, as well as activities that support the development of democracy. Last year, the foundation's youth organized and held a "Holidays without Dad" campaign - an international Christmas collection of gifts for children and youth orphaned by the war in Ukraine. As part of the action, a charity auction was held where our coordinators - young people aged 25 to 30 - turned to famous Polish and Ukrainian writers, artists, musicians, who handed us their works. All events were organized by our organization at the national and international levels. Given the situation in Poland in connection with the war in Ukraine, we plan to implement a project aimed at supporting the social inclusion of young refugees and migrants by involving them in various forms of volunteering. Our future project will also have an educational component - the deepening of legal knowledge and the formation of European values in young people through non-formal education, using the manual "Compass". Our organization has experience in conducting activities using non-formal education with young people: 1. Two-week camps for children and youth were organized in Bieszczady, Poland (45 people each summer between 2015 and 2019), and non-formal education with young people was a mandatory component of these camps. 2. In 2021 we conducted a series of trainings on the topic of protecting our own borders (we provide photos to the above items). In addition, the training part of our future project will involve experienced trainers - participants in the Long-Term Training Course for Trainers on Human Rights Education for Young People in Ukraine "Compass", conducted by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe in 2019-2020.
Local youth organisation
Wikimedia Armenia NGO
Wikimedia Armenia is...
Wikimedia Armenia is a Scientific-Educational NGO which works for the creation and expansion of free knowledge. Wikimedia Armenia works with teenagers starting at the age of 13. Organization's most active and important initiatives are carried out for young people aged 13-35. Our target groups are different based on a project. However, young people consist the main stakeholders of almost all projects. Most of the members of the organization are young people (17-35). We are organizing collaborations with various universities of Armenia, we are founding Wikiclubs in schools located in various regions (mainly rural) of the country. We try to create equal opportunities for teenagers and young people to have equal access to free knowledge and to share their knowledge, as well. Considering the large geography of our projects and initiatives, Wikimedia Armenia is trying to engage and empower young people from different parts of the country.
Local youth organisation
Women and Modern World Youth Center
Purpose of the Cente...
Purpose of the Center Women and Modern World (CWMW): To render practical help to women from all over Azerbaijan; to create opportunity for Azerbaijani young women and youth in integration to Europe and to the world as a whole; youth problems, to protect human rights and women's rights; liquidation of all forms of violence and discrimination against women; to cooperate with partners in the sphere of gender problems, planning family and reproductive health; partnership in reduction of the level of poverty among women and prevention of conflicts. Our beneficiaries are young girls and women, IDPs, refugees, ethnic minorities, marginalized groups, rural youth. We carried out several projects for youth from Integration of Youth to Europe, Human and Women Roghts, Prevention of violence,"Cross the Borders","EaP countries integration to EU", "European Citizenship" etc.
Local youth organisation
Young Community
City Charitable Fund...
City Charitable Fund "Young community" was established in 2004 to strengthen civil society through the development of citizen participation and the local community potential, including social capital. Fund's registration was the year 02/12/2004 The tasks our fund are: assistance of development and support of activity of youth and children's groups , youth and children's public organisation and non-formal groups through financing socially useful programs, projects and actions, for the decision the significant problems of local communities. In our work we widely use the IT-technology and new approaches. Our fund implements Youth Bank technology, support different teams of children and young people, initiates and realize theTVdebates, WebDebates and projects aimed on rising youth involvement in decision of local community problems, based on principle "of youth-for youth-by youth". Since 2010 we are spreading our technologies and methodology to rural area for rural youth.
Local youth organisation
" Reflection"
Association "Reflect...
Association "Reflection" is a non-profit association, founded for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives in the field of positive affirmation of life activities in the field of art, culture and environmental protection. We want to make the life of people fuller, more useful, healthier and more bauatuful through art, culture and enviroment.The need for individuals and citizens to take a part in the editing and creation of conditions in the cultural sphere. Promote and encourage citizen participation in the developement of the communitz and societu as a whole. Improving physical and mental health.The developement of artistic cultural humanistic ecological scientific and philospohical thought through drama and the literary sphere in correspodence with visual and musical arts as well as enviromental protection. Also we care about strentghting thought through participation in charity organizations.Developing the ability to express a value system on the scene throughout the text gestures and humor, music and image-promoting and encouraging environmental awareness.And finaly we increasing cultural level of society for our future and for our youth.
Local youth organisation
"Azeri Yurdu" Youth Public Union
“Azeri Yurdu” Youth ...
“Azeri Yurdu” Youth Public Union was created in 2005 by group of active young people and was registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The main goal of Youth Public Union is to promote patriotism among young people, to contribute cultural improvement of youth and to help young people to grow up as a decent citizen. The Union in order to reach aims is carrying out the missions written below: • Promoting national and international values and humanism ideas among young people; • Organizing free time activities for young people; • Enlightening young people; • Increasing the role of youth in building civil society; • Helping cultural improvement and education of young people. The Union organizes different courses, workshops, meetings, conferences, charity marathons and other social-cultural actions in order to carry out aims and missions written above. Public Union had lots of partnership with Ministry of Youth and Sports in the period of 2005-2008. From 2008 to 2014 the Union had stagnation in its actions. But, in 2014 “Azeri Yurdu” Youth Public Union started it’s actions again and in very short time the union has completed couple of successful projects.
Local youth organisation
"Children with special needs"
Association "Childre...
Association "Children with special needs" is an NGO with main goals: - To support the diagnosis and treatment of children with special needs and social integration of people with special needs. - To assist in stimulating free civil initiative of young people in our area; - To generate new ideas to support the personal development of young people with special of the needs; - To borrow and exchange information and experiences with other youth and similar organizations at different levels at home and abroad; - To interact with national and international institutions in the field of non-formal youth education, cultural exchange, sports, etc; - To support disadvantaged youth to complete their education; - Promote active social inclusion and successful professional realization of youth in community - remote regions of Bulgaria and others. Our mission is to improve the living conditions of young people with special needs, strengthen social policy of the community. The main areas of activity of our organization are: - Development and implementation of strategies, programs and projects for medical and preventive activities and consultative and educational activities of disadvantaged youth; - Promote social development and successful professional realization of young people in disadvantaged compared to other peers; - Collection, processing and analysis of data on the state and prospective development of scientific knowledge related to the treatment of young people with special needs; - Information and consulting activities among young people with special needs on legislation RB and explaining their rights and obligations; - Supporting young talents and young people with disabilities; Our projects on "Youth in Action" are: - BG10 / A1.2 / 106 / R1 "Humanity Without Borders" - BG10 / A1.1 / 393 / R4 "Socialization of young people with special needs through art and culture" - BG11 / A4.3 / 293 / R2 " Unlimited Opportunities" - BG11 / A2 / 292 / R2 "Help me to dream" - BG12 / A1.1 / 456 / R3 "Road to success" - BG13 / A2 / 128 / R1 "Draw the Sun" -ERASMUS 2014 -1-BG01-KA105-000453 "Step by Step"
Local youth organisation
"Civil Youth Center" Community Development NGO
The CYC mission is...
The CYC mission is to promote local democracy and transparency of spending of public means through watchdog and civic participation in decision-making processes. The CYC vision is to build the country where the rule of law and respect to human rights are protected. The CYC strategic directions (objectives) are: • Empowerment of youth and civil society actors in a way that they can influence on local policies • Strengthening of civic control over the expenditure of public resources • Promotion of transparency and accountability of local government bodies The main target group of the organization are young people aged 17-35, youth civil initiatives and NGOs. For the last two years the organization has implemented a variety of activities aimed to strengthen youth civic participation in decision-making processes trough watchdog and advocacy. The organization focuses also on civic education by organizing training and workshop on local governance, human rights, media literacy etc.
Local youth organisation
"Common Sense" Youth Organization
“Common Sense” Youth...
“Common Sense” Youth Organization was founded by a group of young people as a non-political, nonprofit, non-governmental organization in the city of Sumgait in 2006. The main aims of our organization are: - to deliver the importance of non-formal education in life long learning process; - to make the youth be aware of their civic responsibility and increase active citizenship; - to promote healthy lifestyle and show the consequences of bad habits; - to raise environmental awareness and the significance of ecological protection among the youth; - to advocate for human rights and equality; - to underpin peace building and conflict prevention; - to promote the concept of social entrepreneurship; - to support local schoolchildren and students in their self-development process. We have implemented a plenty of local projects in direction of our priorities and in the framework of our projects, we have worked with many international organizations and governmental bodies. Our directions: - Green thinking - Healthy lifestyle - Education development - Social Right & Social inclusion - International Youth Exchange * “Green Thinking” campaign–we annually carry out this project to increase environmental awareness and responsibility, to promote the concept of waste sorting and recycling among the young by organizing seminars, trainings, debates, bicycle tours and cleaning activities. We organize all these activities mainly in schools and universities. * We have started “No-Smoking” campaign since 2009 to promote healthy lifestyle and show the consequences of bad habits by conducting photo and video-making competitions, flash mobs and non-formal education methods. We are a permanent member of Azerbaijan Coalition for Combating Tobacco Use. In the framework of the work of this Coalition, we prepared a draft bill about “2011-2015 National Strategy for Combating Tobacco Use” and “Restrictions on Smoking” and presented to Cabinet of Ministers. * Furthermore, we train and teach schoolchildren how to debate in different topics and in different forms, and we arrange debate tournaments and camps for them in order to bring up new generations of active citizens in society every year. * Moreover, our organization strongly encourages local youth to take part in the international mobility, especially Erasmus+ youth exchanges and trainings. Focusing mainly on schoolchildren and students, CSYO is very interested in their development and contribution to society as active citizens. Therefore, we have been actively taking part in the Youth in Action program of the European Commission since 2009 and we have partners all over the Europe. In addition, Common Sense Organization possesses EVS accreditation certificate since 2012 and performs both sending and hosting (since 2016) functions.
Local youth organisation
"Communication without borders"
Our mission: Civil ...
Our mission: Civil society, based on sustainable development principles, with young people as community proactive members, open to new knowledge, experiences and connections in the spirit of democratic values and humanistic worldview. Target group: Open minded young people from Kharkiv region (15-35 y.o.) eager to learn and gain new experiences, both sharing our ideas and still hesitant. Activities: Activities are initiated and carried out by organization members as well as volunteers, who often come up with their own great ideas (matching our Statute objectives). Activities are subjected to three main directions: Sustainability and environmentalism Volunteering and activism Community development We always pay attention to non-formal education and raising awareness through volunteering camps, trainings, workshops, info campaigns, eco-parties, non-formal education fairs, street actions. Examples of activities: Info campaign “Cap`s house” (organized by 15 volunteers and 2 Organization members) promoted turning trash such as bottle caps into useful resources. 70 000 caps collected at about 30 local schools, offices, universities were used to create a multicolor map of Ukraine. Later those caps were sold for recycling to purchase books for village library. Four workcamps (part of the project “National park as a center for raising environmental awareness of youth”) gathered 65 volunteers in summer 2014. Camp activities consisted of cultural and eco-educational events as well as working tasks. 22 volunteers took part in more than one camp, 5 of them became camp-leaders. As a result we created: campsite ready to host 30 guests for non-formal educational events; two waymarked hiking trails (12 and 4 km) equipped with info-stands, benches and gazebos; decorated expo-hall. Through these camps we aimed to attract more young people to eco-educational programs at the National park “Slobozhanskyi” by improving its recreational infrastructure. 3. Anti-nuclear eco-party “Ecodeya” held by our organization in cooperation with IVO “SVIT-Ukraine”, NGO “Chernobyl of Ukraine” and Modern Art Center “YermilovCenter” gathered 300+ young people (18-30 years old). Performances, speeches and video screenings informed guests about Chernobyl disaster, dangers of the nuclear power and advantages of using renewable energy sources. 4. “Climate change week” included 12 events aiming to raise awareness of climate change issues: theater performance, street action, scientific lectures, movie screenings, tree planting, bird-house creation, designing competition, photo exhibition, etc. 20 people took leading roles and 1000+ people visited events of the “week”.
Local youth organisation
"Crossroad of Ideas"
The “Crossroad of ...
The “Crossroad of Ideas” Youth NGO is a youth oriented organization which aims to attract young peoples’ attention with the help of non-formal education about different topics and fields (like Human Rights, Equality, Conflict Resolution, Environment, Peace Education, Intercultural Dialogue, Democracy, Voluntary work, Employment, Integration and etc.) providing them with knowledge, skills, understanding and developing attitudes and behavior, encouraging to be actively involved in society. Our vision is to have a generation which is aware of Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law, the importance of active participation in community and social life, the importance of Peace and is willing to accept Diversity. We want young people of the next generation to be more educated and to have more opportunities despite the obstacles they face. Thus, we want them to be able and to have ways to overcome those obstacles (geographical, economic and cultural) and be the ones who will make concrete steps towards the changes. Our mission is to educate young people on different levels, bring the idea of non-formal education to them and give them space to be more open-minded and to develop critical and creative thinking in them. The target group of the activities of our organization is young people of age 16-30 coming from different social and cultural backgrounds and status. Among activities which are planned to be realized are “Youth clubs”, “Human/Living library”, training courses and youth exchanges. More detailed information about activities you can find in annual report attached below.